Maryland State Police Beat / Cops: Dirtbag Roundup Sends Four to Slammer on Charges of Soliciting Minors for Sex

he Maryland State Police Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force conducted a proactive operation involving the online sexual solicitation of minors. During the covert operation and in two separate incidents, Christensen and Parham communicated online with an undercover police officer posing as a minor. Both men made statements expressing a desire to meet the minor and engage in sexual activity.

Southern Md. Police Beat / Feds will show Drugstore Cowboys Butler & Shields what a slammed slammer door sounds like and keep these vermin off the street for years

Greenbelt, Maryland – What happens when local hoodlums grow up stealing, thieving and selling drugs? With any luck they get gunned down by one of their heathen outlaw compatriots or get caught and spend the rest of their worthless lives in prison. The Maryland Judiciary run by the White Rabbit and administered by looney liberal Judges won’t get a chance to dump these bozos back out on the community to once again hold up store clerks at gunpoint.

The Zippy Boys of Cocaine Nabbed in Frederick — They lead long lives of crime

FREDERICK, MD. Two men were charged by Frederick Police with possession of cocaine on Aug. 18, 2014, at 11:48 am have decades long criminal records that span the Chesapeake Bay and have kept courts and prosecutors busy in many Maryland counties. Of course, since this is the FREE STATE, both men were free on bail the same day that they were locked up, in spite of their records.

Officers of the Frederick Police Department conducted a traffic stop in the 100 block of Clarke Place.

During the traffic stop officers requested a K9 to respond and conduct a sniff of the vehicle. The K9 arrived and alerted to the presence of drugs within the vehicle. During the search of the vehicle a Ziploc bag of cocaine was located. Both the driver, Kenneth William Nicewarner, of East F Street in Clear Spring, Md., and the passenger, Joseph Haupt were placed under arrest.