Breaking News, Court News, Crime Time Warp, Darwin Nominee, Dirtbag Roundup, Drugs and trafficking, Murder USA, Police Beat, This Just In! MURDER USA Davon Carter faces possible death sentence; indicted for witness retaliation that ended with the murder of Pastor Latrina Ashburne Posted onDecember 21, 2017December 21, 2017 MURDER USA Davon Carter faces possible death sentence; indicted for witness retaliation that ended with the murder of Pastor Latrina Ashburne Baltimore, Maryland – A …
Breaking News, Court News, Drugs and trafficking, Murder USA, Police Beat, This Just In!, Top Cops, Videos MURDER USA: U. S. Attorney, FBI announce indictments ‘Trained To Go (TTG)’ connected to ten murders: gives credit to Baltimore Police in roundup Posted onJuly 11, 2017July 11, 2017 “We have identified a violent group of gangsters” – Commissioner Kevin Davis