Stafford Sheriff Police Beat: Alleged Road Rage Maniacs Beat Victim in Face; Threatened with Guns in Midnight Melee on Rt. 1

The roads of Virginia are alive with armed ghetto thugs, hillbillies, and rednecks on a rampage. Then there are the illegal alien drivers without insurance or that don’t really give a hoot about what or whom they run into because they just aren’t going to stop to give aid or exchange information about insurance they don’t have. 

Sheriffs in two Virginia counties want to know who is shooting at homes

King George Deputies responded to a call from a resident on Caledon Road on Monday, January 26, 2015 who advised that they found bullet holes in the wall of their residence around 12:30 am when they heard what sounded like glass shattering. The bullet hole was found later on that morning. On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 deputies responded to a second address on Caledon Road stating that “the night before last” the resident heard a loud noise around 12:30 am – 1:00 am. That resident found a bullet hole in the side of his residence.