Visit an Osprey Nest – Live Osprey Cam

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Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center


This Osprey decided he wanted to take a break from flying around looking for fish and perhaps try some crabbing from a pier. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo
This Osprey decided he wanted to take a break from flying around looking for fish and perhaps try some crabbing from a pier. THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY photo

Live Osprey Cam


Osprey Update

The pair of ospreys residing in Prospect Bay returned on March 20, 2014.  To their surprise they had a new platform to claim as home for a few months.  The old platform “bit the ice” this past winter, and a new platform was put up closer to shore.

Immediately the same day they arrived, they inspected the platform and started the nest building process.  They built a sturdy substrate this year.  Last year being a young pair their experience was limited, and the nest was quite scant.  They got the knack this year, and piled branches several inches higher than the nest sides.


Available in eBook, paperback - two editions, one in full color and the second with B & W photos and also in Audible.
Available in eBook, paperback – two editions, one in full color and the second with B & W photos and also in Audible.

On April 29th and May 01st the clutch was completed with two eggs.  Both parents were diligent in the incubation process.  On June 02nd the first egg hatched and on June 04th there was a second baby…both squeaking to be fed.  Both parents share the feeding duties.

As of this writing, the nestlings are approximately 9 days old.






  • The pair of ospreys residing in Prospect Bay returned on March 20, 2014. To their surprise they had a new platform to claim as home for a few months. The old platform “bit the ice” this past winter, and a new platform was put up closer to shore.

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